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Прошивки для Necta LB
Прошивки для Lavazza BLUE кофейников
9 файлов
Concerto LB 3550
Автор bingo
Пршивка для Concerto LB + Библиотеки
LB3550 CONCERTO X2 SW REL. 1.4 + LIB REL. 0.0 (31 Mar 2016)
LB3550_CONCERTO.zip - LB3550 CONCERTO X2 SW REL. 1.1 (09 Feb 2015)
LB3550_CONCERTO1.zip - LB3550 CONCERTO X2 SW REL. 1.3 + LIB REL. 0.0 (03 Dec 2015)
BootLoader_Rel_.zip - LB3550 CONCERTO X2 SW BOOT LOADER REL. 4.1
220 раз скачали
Canto LB 3600 X2
Автор bingo
Прошивка для капсульных Necta Canto с зерновым бункером от 22.10.2015
542 раза скачали
Kikko LB 3500 ESC5E-R/IQ
Автор bingo
KL25bLVZT.bin - Испревлена локализация и добавлен reservation-time для безнала!
Вышла новая прошивка для KikkoLB 2.5 Lvz
Очень много изменений с 2008 года и похоже добавили EVA-DTS. На днях будем проверять.
Версию 2.4 не выкладываю т.к. тут же вышла 2.5 с фиксами. Что было сделано в 2.4:
* The software release Kikko Rev. 2.4 LVZ is compatible only with the version Scheda Relè Rev.2.4 LVZ.
* Management of Kikko-Snakky master-slave link. (The Sw. Kikko Rev. 2.4 LVZ can work only with Rev. Snakky 3.0 and Rev. Snakky SL 2.0 or upper).
* For the payment system setting it is used the menu In case of situation without payment system it is needed to set this parameter to OFF.
* Language of default: Italiano.
* Other available languages: Francaise, Espanola, English, Deutsch, Portugues, Nederlands, Polsky, Czech, Slovak, Русский, Croate, Finnish, Danish, EΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ, Ungaria, Svenska, Srpski, Slovensko.
* For coffee-based selections where some water comes before the coffee the management of the pressure on the capsule has been changed
* Up-Key management to read/write set-up and read statistics.
* Improved management of hot water selection.
* Fan works only when the beverage is dispensed.
* SW management of “self-repositioning” for the coffee unit.
* SW compatible also with the new electronic boards.
* Introduced the chance to wash the Coffee Unit both automatically (TECH. 2.6.5) and manually (TECH.
* Introduced the check which does not allow automatic washing (for mixing bowls and brewer) if the machine has not been switched on from at least one hour.
* The way the rotor (of the volumetric counter) failure is managed has been changed when it is due to a coffee selection (water gets through the capsule too slowly).
* The management of the “mezzaluna” (metal plate fitted between the shelf and the brewer to allow the brewer to reposition correctly at the end of the cycle) has been added.
* Increased the pause between the closure of the valve to create pressure and the repositioning of the brewer.
* When chosen by specific button or by password, introduced the management of washing brewer and mixing bowls in a row, while the automatic washing of the parts are still separated.
* The time the fan works can be managed: either continuously (default setting) or only for a while (during the selection and just few seconds after).
* Introduced L03 and L04 lay-out with cold selections (cold unit should be fitted).
* Management of without sugar programmable function
182 раза скачали
- kikko lavazza
- kikkolb
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Дозировка Necta Astro 3.41 F960217, 227
Автор Black Sea Coffee Ltd.
Дозировка Necta Astro 3.41 F960217, 227
66 раз скачали
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Прошивка Lavazza Blue капсульный колибри 2009 года
Автор GsxrPro
Прошивка Lavazza Blue капсульный колибри с оф. тех. сайта lavazza
Rev 1.8 LVZ
38 раз скачали
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Прошивка 1.9 2010 года Necta Colibri Lavazza Blue 3200
Автор GsxrPro
Прошивка Lavazza Blue капсульный колибри с оф. тех. сайта lavazza
Rev 1.9 LVZ
48 раз скачали
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Necta Colibri LB 3200
Автор GsxrPro
Прошивка Lavazza Blue капсульный колибри с оф. тех. сайта lavazza
30 раз скачали
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Colibri LB 3200
Автор bingo
*Add Russian language
* Changed management rotor failure, when it is caused from espresso selection
* Inserted “mezzaluna” management
* Incremented pause between close cold EV and reposition of ES group
* Management of washing group after mixer washing when it is made by key
* Inserted Country France
* Add layout 7
* Changed sugar setting on Cappuccino con cioccolato and Cioccolato selections of layout 7
54 раза скачали
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Прошивка для CantoLB ES+BLUE 8R/IQ
Автор bingo
Прошивка для Canto LB models: ES+BLUE 8R/IQ и ESCES 8R/DQ Rev 0.7 LV+
107 раз скачали
- cantolb
- canto lavazza
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0 комментариев