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necta Прошивки для Kikko MAX
Автор bingo
Прошивка для автомата Necta Kikko Max с поддержкой EVA-DTS и возможностью программировать различные бонусы по времени.
1 743 раза скачали
Necta Solista 2.0
Автор locman_m
Прошивка Necta Solista 2.0 с поддержкой русского языка, и наличием функции Always ldle
12 раз скачали
Автор bingo
Прошивки для автоматов unicum
версии 050, 054 есть always idle и возможность подключения сторонней телеметри, так сказали. сам не проверял
95 раз скачали
Прошивки для Necta KORO
Автор bingo
Rev. 1.4 - 05/02/2016: Added new Nordic Country
Rev. 1.3 - 11/11/2015: PDQ - 002371 changes in mdb statistics following the price list discount for lab tests .
Rev. 1.1 - 13/10/2014: Added Deutschland country
75 раз скачали
Автор bingo
Rev. 1.2 - 10/02/2009: Time management of Coffee unit.
Rev. 1.3 - 04/03/2010: new management of coffee unit self adjusting time in washing function.
Rev. 1.4 - 01/10/2010: Programmable counter of coffee waste container.
Rev. 1.5 - 15/04/2011: Programmable Latte Macchiato waiting time.
Rev. 1.6 - 03/01/2012: Double languages francaise and english setting by default.
Rev. 1.7 - 24/04/2014: Water failure of external tank restoring by keyboard pressure
63 раза скачали
Прошивка на Snakky.
Автор sergei2257
В версии ПО есть пункт меню - Reservation time.
239 раз скачали
necta NectaBrio3
Автор bingo
Eprom Date 18/12/2014 Rev. 2.7 IFE
* Inserted the possibility to set fan management, between continuous way or for a while (continuous by default).
* Update Layout.
* Add emptying air break function.
* Different price for Decaffeinated preselection.
* Update MDB and EVADTS protocol.
* Auto learning group position.
* Pre-heating group function default to off for all selection
* Inserted Catalan language.
* Inserted global powders setting.
* Price variation management of the “Withouth Cup” preselection in Price Holding configuration.
* Inserted Slovak translations and modified some Slovak strings.
* Inserted Boiler Boost heating for Instant selections (Espresso boiler boost for 10 seconds for Instant selections with water doses less than 90 cdv and relative elettrovalve not used per for almost 180 seconds).
* Differentiated prices management is available for EXECUTIVE payment system not in Price Holding configuration.
* Inserted Price List MDB management.
* Inserted MDB Slave Price List.
* Inserted MDB USER GROUP management.
* Inserted DEXUCS management.
* Inserted EVADTS programmable parameters (selection of EVADTS protocol (DDCMP, DEXUCS), selection of the communication mode (ALWAYS EVADTS, IRDA, RS232), UNDEFINED LENGHT enable function, Baud Rate selection, selezione tipo di comunicazione DDCMP (fixed and ENANCHED).
* Inserted Master EVADTS management.
* Inserted Slave EVADTS statistics extraction for Slave supported.
* Inserted Romana language.
* Changed management water failure.
* Inserted programmable timer booking menu
* Battery management modify with self detect, spontaneous events and statistics from prepared slaves and of vending machine itself configured as slave with other vending machine with same management
* Resolved PDQ 12-139: no possibility to make a zero price selection with a cashless payment system
* Display block solved entering into Minislave menu’ after bank initialising with slave switched off.
* Reset command available also if VMC is not setted as slave.
* Modified menu string of reset Slave with “Reset Slave”.
* Correction of credit management error with a virtual selection and with both selections failure.
* Modify of IRDA management: noise from external events (es. neon lights neon - PDQ 13-168), read out after going out from menu’.
* “Immediate change” string modified in Spanish.
* PDQ-001250: improper statistics reset for spurious IRDA read out, solved also VMC reset with IRDA read-out.
* PDQ-001374:VMC block in warming up for 10 seconds after two or three selections of The or Cappuccino.
* PDQ-001515: EVATDS trace solved in relation to CA401, CA403, DA202, DA204, LA fields.
* Battery management self-detect improved in particular for three machines bank not described.
* VMC block solved with Executive Price Holding with Immediate Change.
* Correction of Slave 2 failure not displayed into failure menu when VMC detects also a Slave 1 failure.
* Introduced Setup and Statistics Minislave management;
* Strenghening of EVATDS management in bank.
* Slave 1 and Slave 2 failures are displayed only into failures menu’.
* Correction of credit management with VMC in bank with Executive and Immediate change off and all selections of a virtual selection failed.
* Correction of bank blocked with VMC blocked at power on with sw of Minislave detected as engine board sw version.
* Inserted “Sans Sucre Italia” and “Test Messaggio di Ripristino” management.
79 раз скачали
necta Прошивки для SnakkyMAX
Автор bingo
Прошивка для Snakky Max 1.3
309 раз скачали
- snakky max
- snakkymax
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necta Прошивки для SnakkySL
Автор bingo
Прошивки для SnakkySL.
Что нового смотреть в описании к файлу. Русский есть в прошивке EEU. Выдержка с изменениями из EEU.
SW compatible with Fujitsu 90F549 and with Fujitsu 90F345 (new electronic).
* Management of master-slave link; this Rev. of SnakkySL can work as Slave of:
Kikko Rev 4.0 IFE, NEU or upper
Snakky Rev. 3.0 or upper
Brio3 Rev. 2.7 IFE or upper
Colibri Top Rev. 1.3 or upper
* Available languages are: Polish, Slovenian, Russian, Rumanian, Magyar, English.
*Added Master-Slave capability with Colibri Top Rev. 1.3 or upper
Rev 3.3
-KAIZEN_IND2017_058_Modifies to SL Snakky and Melodia software simulator.
Rev 3.2
PDQ-002308 Setting price n°10 selection.
PDQ-002766 Activation price Holding Slave.
Rev 3.1
Bank connettivity improvement.
Rev 3.0
Machine reset solved into Virtual selection and Twin-engine selection menu’.
EVADTS tables initialization reduced as new gamma. Remote print time reduced (printing is done at x3 if remote printing is active).
Inserted bank setup management.
Inserted sw version display management.
Correction of EVADTS format file.
Bank connettivity improvement.
Rev 2.9
Management self-presentation DA in battery (only if DA master implements the self-recognition).
Virtual price return menu’ cancelled. It is not managed on pure slave.
With Immediate Change active is displayed on master “Take the product” or “Failed selection”.
Rev 2.6
Solved the PDQ 07-005, 07-006, 07-013 related to problems found during the motor activation.
Rev 2.6
Solved the PDQ 07-005, 07-006, 07-013 related to problems found during the motor activation.
Rev 2.5
Solved a problem found at the motor activation.
Rev. 2.4
Solved the PDQ 06/105.
Rev. 2.3
Resolved a possible malfunctioning found to the ignition of the machine.
Rev. 2.8
Changed engine identification time, solves the related problem reported by production.
Changed antitheft time PQD 11-059.
Rev. 2.2
Solved the PDQ 06/054. Arranged a wrong visualization during the SetUp loading through Psion
Rev. 2.1
Introduced a security time-out during the motor spiral activation.
293 раза скачали
Прошивка для KORINTO
Автор bingo
Прошивка для NECTA KORINTO
Rev. 1.1 - 19/04/2012: New management of fresh milk erogation cycle.
Rev. 1.2 - 23/05/2012: Proper management of stop selection
Rev. 1.3 - 30/10/2012: Add latte macchiato delayed selection
Rev. 1.4 - 02/04/2013: Fresh milk erogation cycle updated
177 раз скачали
- necta korinto
- necta
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Прошивка для KORO
Автор bingo
Прошивка для Necta KORO
Rev. 1.3 - 15/12/2009: Time management of coffee unit.
Rev. 1.4 - 09/04/2014: Automatic milk pipe heating function
Water failure of external tank restoring by keyboard pressure
177 раз скачали
- necta koro
- koro
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necta Прошивка для Kikko Max to GO
Автор bingo
Комплект прошивок для Kikko Max to GO
Документация по лейаутам.
822 раза скачали
Газировкин Прошивка
Автор ghostsite
Программа для заливки прошивки в Газировкин.
Прошивка Силовая плата.
Прошивка Плата управления.
Инструкция по прошивке.
Инструкция к автомату.
378 раз скачали
Прошивка платы подъёмник\миксер кофеавтомата EVEND
Автор 654321
Считано с рабочей платы программой ATMEL AVR STUDIO.
43 раза скачали
Прошивка для колибри с5 (EXE.MDB) с4 (EXE.MDB) c3
Автор mower
Прошивка для колибри с5 (EXE.MDB) с4 (EXE.MDB) c3
832 раза скачали